Name: Heather (aka Miss K)
Sex: Female
Birthday: July 23, 1989
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Relationship Status: Married
Anniversary: Sept. 1, 2012
Hometown: Cullman, AL
Political Views: Independent
Religious Views: Atheist
Occupation: Being Awesome
Hi, I'm Heather, but I sometimes go by Miss K. I'm 23 and an aspiring author living in Tennessee with my husband, Mike, and my canary, Henry. For as long as I can remember, I've been jotting down little stories and poems, and I'd like to think that I've learned and gotten better with time. I currently have a Bachelors degree in English with a minor in Drama, and I'm looking forward to applying for a few jobs and moving on to graduate school to become an English professor. However, having spent some time working in various bookstores and libraries, I've realized that I first want to get my Masters in Library Science and spend a little time surrounded by books. I've worked at several high school and college newspapers and have been the Assistant Editor of one.
I love to read, write, and analyze literature, and I love doing research on a broad range of subjects. I've created this blog as an outlet for all of that love and energy and so that I can share a bit of what I've learned along the way with my readers. I have a wide range of interests, including video games, anime, history, philosophy, fashion, bird watching, and all kinds of books (including the comic variety), so don't hesitate to discuss anything with me or ask me questions! Heck, I'll even trade Pokemon with you!
"I know that I have lived because I have felt, and, feeling giving me the knowledge of my existence, I know likewise that I shall exist no more when I shall have ceased to feel." - Giacomo Casanova
"It appears to me that they who in proof of any assertion rely simply on the weight of authority, without adducing any argument in support of it, act very absurdly. I, on the contrary, wish to be allowed freely to question and freely to answer you without any sort of adulation, as well becomes those who are in search of truth." - Vincenzio Galilei
"I was hiding under the porch because I love you." - Doug the Dog