Wednesday, January 19, 2011 by Miss K in Labels:

A little poetry for you guys -- this one is called Blazing and is about missing my POOKIE (<3), and while it's a little depressing, I think I did okay at throwing in some interesting imagery.  I also did one of my very few experiments with rhyming (internal and otherwise) on this particular poem.  Enjoy~


I'm blazing on the couch
like a phoenix trying to live again,
trying to catch your winsome smile
between the popcorn
beneath our sky.

Could I say why
I spent the money that way?
No, I guess not, but it could be
my soul trying to say
life is little more than this
with you away,
alone every day,
no matter who comes by
to pull me
deeper into the rabbit hole.

I'm sliding over
the drabness of mushrooms,
gigantic brooms shifting water,
ceaseless motion in the dark, darker
until gentle hands shake me awake
for a little while
and I find myself in reality
wanting never to fall back asleep.

But I must,
and I'll be slumbering here,
until something queer
and oddly familiar jars me,
hefts my scaly form
from off my gold,
from under my popcorn,
and flings me into the world again,
part and parcel, kith and kin,
into the shallows where I long to swim
and to wade together with you.

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