I've looked around the internet for lists like this often, because I'm a romantic person; I love to do romantic things. However, the lists are either very sparse or very unoriginal/uncreative. To give the internet the benefit of what I've learned over this deployment through my various efforts to be creative with cute surprises, I am going to list here 10 things I've done for Mike over the course of this deployment that made his day. Some of them can be pretty expensive, but others cost nearly nothing. That means there's something here for everyone's budget! Enjoy! <3
1.) A mistletoe ornament dipped in gold or silver with a kissed card - Because Christmas is coming up and this is actually what I have done for him this year, I thought I'd share this idea that is perfect for the season. The mistletoe ornament is the perfect way to make him think of all the romance that seems to inevitably come with the holiday season, plus it is a special treasure that the two of you will be able to put on your tree for years to come. You will always have it to remind you of what you went through (and survived) together, and plus, it'll probably make his holiday season just a little bit warmer when he's stuck over there without you. The ornament is a real sprig of mistletoe that has been dipped and preserved forever in your choice of gold or silver, and it lasts much longer (and is actually less expensive) than the real, fresh cut thing. Don't forget to include a card with your kiss on it, because after all, that's what mistletoe is for!
2.) A giant, construction paper heart with a picture of the two of you in the middle and "I love you" written in many languages all the way around - This one is fairly simple: all you need is some large sheets of construction paper, scissors, a pencil
, a picture of the two of you (you can print this on regular paper if you like), glue
, and a black marker
. Fold the construction paper in half and cut your heart so that the sides will be even. Unfold your masterpiece and use the glue to secure your favorite picture of the two of you together in the middle of the heart. Remember, whatever you write on this heart, write it all in pencil first so that mistakes aren't permanent, then trace over it with the marker when you are through. At the top of the page, above your picture, write, "No matter how you say it..." then below the picture, write, "I Love You." Be sure to leave plenty of space on the sides for your multilingual professions of love. With mine, I decided to go the extra mile and write some of the I-love-yous in the native script, such as Chinese. Because I didn't want to fold my artwork and mess it up, I placed it into the bottom of a care package I sent to him.
3.) Countdown cards for his R&R travel week/ coming home - In case you don't know, whenever a soldier goes on R&R or starts his trip home, he must travel for a full 7 days or more to reach his destination. Well before this week arrived, I sent him a package containing 8 numbered envelopes, one to be opened right away explaining the game and another 8 for each day of his journey home. The Hallmark website offers ways for you to customize the cards on their website, including adding pictures and changing all the words if you want to. They also offer a price break if you buy more than 5 cards. You may also save any of your designs for future use. I suggest you send these to yourself first so that you may sign them all and place them in their respective envelopes with numbers on the outside, but the website also offers a mailing service that can send it directly to the recipient.
5.) A personal calendar customized by you and your pen - Calendars can be a really special part of the deployment, because they're a great way to count down. I recommend getting this right before or right after he deploys. Make sure it's small and easily portable so that he can keep it with him. Personalize the pages and dates by marking special occasions and adding meaningful quotations about love. I also asked on random days that he do something little, like listen to one of our songs and think of us or tell me something certain in a letter that day. You can also glue very small pictures on the pages if you like. I don't recommend writing a countdown in it yourself, because schedules change constantly. Have him write these himself, but only one week at a time; never get ahead of yourself or you'll just have to go back and number the whole thing again.
6.) A small stuffed plush sprayed with your perfume - This one is fairly simple; all you have to do is buy a stuffed animal and spray it with your perfume. However, make sure it's small so he can carry it around easily and can fit into your care package. Don't be afraid to really spray it on there, because the smell will fade quickly if you don't and he'll just be left with a stuffed animal. You should also wrap it when mailing it to ensure it doesn't lose its smell on the way there. Personally, I chose stuff that would make him laugh. I bought plushes of bugs he sees over there like locusts
7.) An engraved pocket watch set to your time - I actually did this right before he deployed to both be a special gift for another occasion and something that he can carry with him on his deployment to remind him of home. I bought the watch itself from Executive Gift Shoppe, who do engravings on just about everything they have, but the particular style I picked was unable to be engraved (even by 3rd party jewelers I took it to). However, I was able to have a small, blank pendant engraved with a line from a particularly applicable song at Gold Rush Jewelers for about $60 and attached to the fob.
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An Example of Office Max Binding |
9.) A Google Earth map marking all of your special places all over the world - This one brought me a little frustration, but it's a good idea nonetheless. Download Google Earth, a free program that lets you see all over the entire world using satellite photographs, similar to Google Maps but on a much more intricate scale. Then proceed to flag your special locations, including perhaps the place he was deployed and some of the areas on the base where memories were made (such as where he went to see you on webcam). Don't forget to save your file or else your flags will be gone the next time your computer restarts. Also, there are some minor compatibility issues with Windows 7, but the help section on their website offers some answers to fixing this problem. While you can't send this to him, it will be something you can show him and guide him through when he finally gets home.
10.) A signed and kissed pinup poster of yourself - A lot of the time when we think of deployment and soldiers overseas, we can't help but get the classic image of bright-faced young men pinning centerfolds and pinups above their cots, looking forward to what awaits them back home. I decided to take this idea up a notch and make it something special and romantic. I took pictures of myself in my new bikini using the timer function on my camera, picked the best one, had the print enlarged online, and sent it to myself to autograph and kiss before it makes its way to the wall over his bed. It's relatively inexpensive, the print itself being $10 with $10 shipping, plus the $4 shipping it took me to send it to him. I simply visited posterprintshop.com, uploaded an image, specified my measurements, and submitted my order. Traditionally, the measurements of a centerfold poster are 10x20. Also, remember to use a high quality image taken with a good camera or else enlarging the photo will cause it to become pixelated.