The Hobbit Movie: 3D Concept Art
Monday, November 21, 2011 by Miss K in Labels: ,

As many of you probably already know, production of the new Hobbit movie began earlier this year, and the movie itself is scheduled for release on December 14th, 2012.  The Hobbit Blog, the official blog of the movie, has been steadily providing updates and production videos for rabid fans.  What makes some of those videos so interesting is the fact that they're filming the movie entirely in 3D.  To go hand in hand with the 3D filming, artists Alan Lee and John Howe have drawn up a little 3D concept art for the movie.  This was just sooo cool, I had to share it with all of you!  So just slap on some 3D glasses and let the enjoyment begin!

If you'd like to see more on the 3D filming of the movie and the development of the 3D concept art, check out Production Video #4 below.

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